The Smart Ruler for VFR Pilots
Innovative Concept
Simple in Use
Fast Results
Designed to offer VFR pilots maximum support during flight and flight planning
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'There are pilot rulers and there is The Pilot's Ruler', Pilot Magazine UK
* Award winning concept
Integrated Protractor
VFR Cruising Levels
ATC Light Signals
Special Transponder Codes
Morse Code
Emergency Frequency
Landing Cross Wind Table
Distance Ruler for chart scales:
1/250,000 - 1/500,000 - 1/1,000,000
Flying Time (EET) Table, for Ground Speeds from 50 up to 180 knots
Calculation of Ground Speed, Head- or Tailwind component
See Large Image
| See User Guide
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John Travolta, Actor & Pilot USA Yes, himself! (click)
Pilot Magazine UK | Pilots & Planes Magazine AOPA
Aviation & Pilote France | Avianet Belgium
Piloot en Vliegtuig The Netherlands | Volez! France
AERO Friedrichshafen Germany
and the thousands of pilots using the ruler
* Awarded for Innovation at the World Exhibition for Inventions, Research and New Technologies
The Pilot Shop NL |
Aviation Shop BE
Aeroshoppy FR |
Skyways Direct NL
Transair UK |
Pilotshop RO
Pooleys UK |
Flight Store UK
Aircraft Spruce USA
....and others
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